In 2022, the festival extended to a 2-day event for the first time.
Up until 2023, Shadows was responsible for the crew working on the festival, making sure that all visitors were attended. In the days prior to the event we drew up briefings and gave the necessary trainings so that everyone knew what to do. During the festival, we briefed and managed all crew and assisted the organization with general trouble shooting.
Before the 2022 edition kicked-off, we stood in for the management of two on-site corporate events for Telenet and D’Ieteren as well.
In 2024, one of our freelancers joined the core team as Head of Off Site & Mobility. Making all necessary arrangements with local authorities and the neighborhood, mapping out the entire mobility plan and arranging bus, taxi and boat transports. During the event days, we oversaw all this with a team of our freelancers that coordinated boat and bus transfers, parkings, and general mobility flow in the streets surrounding the festival grounds.
At the event site itself, a team of our freelancers managed the entrance to give everyone a warm welcome. Minimizing waiting lines and optimizing the entrance flow, we added to that carefree experience we aim for.